Spanish Verb Salir Conjugation, Translation, and Examples

Salida de Emergencia
Es importante saber cuál es la salida de emergencia. (It is important to know which is the emergency exit). FotografiaBasica / Getty Images

The Spanish verb salir is a common verb that typically means to leave, to exit, to depart, or to go out. It is an irregular verb in ways that few verbs are. The only frequently used verb that is conjugated in the same way as salir is sobresalir, which usually means to stand out or to tower above.

In this article you can find tables with the conjugations of salir in the present, past, and future indicative mood, the present and past subjunctive mood, the imperative mood, and other verb forms like the gerund and past participle.

Using the Verb Salir

The verb salir is very frequently used. It can simply mean to leave or to go out. For example, you can say, salir de la casa (leave the house) or salir a tomar el sol (go outside to enjoy the sun). However, salir has many other uses:

  • To talk about dating or going out with someone: Ana está saliendo con Juan. (Ana is dating Juan.)
  • To talk about coming up or out: El sol sale muy temprano. (The sun comes up very early.)
  • To say how something turns out: Todo salió bien. (Everything turned out fine.)
  • To talk about performing or showing up on a movie, television show, etc.: Ella sale en las noticias. (She is on the news.)
  • To talk about getting out of a meeting, class, etc.: Ella sale de clase a las 8. (She gets out of class at 8.)

Present Indicative

In the present indicative tense, the only irregular form of salir is the first person singular conjugation (yo), which has the ending -go, similar to other verbs like decir, tener, and venir.

Yo salgo Yo salgo temprano para el trabajo. I leave early for work.
sales Tú sales a cenar con tu amiga. You go out to dinner with your friend.
Usted/él/ella sale Ella sale con un chico guapo. She goes out with a handsome guy.
Nosotros salimos Nosotros salimos a caminar todos los días. We go out for a walk every day.
Vosotros salís Vosotros salís tarde de clase. You get out of class late.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas salen Ellas salen en una película. They are in a movie.

Preterite Indicative

The preterite tense is used to talk about past actions that are finished or completed.

Yo salí Yo salí temprano para el trabajo. I left early for work.
saliste Tú saliste a cenar con tu amiga. You went out to dinner with your friend.
Usted/él/ella salió Ella salió con un chico guapo. She went out with a handsome guy.
Nosotros salimos Nosotros salimos a caminar todos los días. We went out for a walk every day.
Vosotros salisteis Vosotros salisteis tarde de clase. You got out of class late.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas salieron Ellas salieron en una película. They were in a movie.

Imperfect Indicative

The imperfect tense is used to talk about repeated or ongoing actions in the past, and is usually translated to English as "was leaving" or "used to leave."

Yo salía Yo salía temprano para el trabajo. I used to leave early for work.
salías Tú salías a cenar con tu amiga. You used to go out to dinner with your friend.
Usted/él/ella salía Ella salía con un chico guapo. She used to go out with a handsome guy.
Nosotros salíamos Nosotros salíamos a caminar todos los días. We used to go out for a walk every day.
Vosotros salíais Vosotros salíais tarde de clase. You used to get out of class late.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas salían Ellas salían en una película. They used to be in a movie.

Future Indicative

The verb salir is irregular in the future indicative; instead of using the infinitive as the stem, it uses the form saldr-. This is similar to other verbs like tener and venir.

Yo saldré Yo saldré temprano para el trabajo. I will leave early for work.
saldrás Tú saldrás a cenar con tu amiga. You will go out to dinner with your friend.
Usted/él/ella saldrá Ella saldrá con un chico guapo. She will go out with a handsome guy.
Nosotros saldremos Nosotros saldremos a caminar todos los días. We will go out for a walk every day.
Vosotros saldréis Vosotros saldréis tarde de clase. You will get out of class late.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas saldrán Ellas saldrán en una película. They will be in a movie.

Periphrastic Future Indicative 

To form the periphrastic future, first use the present tense conjugation of the verb ir (to go), then add the preposition a, and finally add the infinitive salir.

Yo voy a salir Yo voy a salir temprano para el trabajo. I am going to leave early for work.
vas a salir Tú vas a salir a cenar con tu amiga. You are going to go out to dinner with your friend.
Usted/él/ella va a salir Ella va a salir con un chico guapo. She is going to go out with a handsome guy.
Nosotros vamos a salir Nosotros vamos a salir a caminar todos los días. We are going to go out for a walk every day.
Vosotros vais a salir Vosotros vais a salir tarde de clase. You are going to get out of class late.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a salir Ellas van a salir en una película. They are going to be in a movie.

Present Progressive/Gerund Form

The gerund, also called the present participle, is a verb form that can be used to form progressive tenses like the present progressive.

Present Progressive of Salir está saliendo Ella está saliendo con un chico guapo. She is going out with a handsome guy.

Past Participle

The past participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective or to form perfect tenses such as the present perfect.

Present Perfect of Salir ha salido Ella ha salido con un chico guapo. She has gone out with a handsome guy.

Conditional Indicative

The conditional is used to talk about possibilities. It uses the stem saldr-, just like the future indicative tense.

Yo saldría Yo saldría temprano para el trabajo si estuviera lista. I would leave early for work if I were ready.
saldrías Tú saldrías a cenar con tu amiga si tuvieras dinero. You would go out to dinner with your friend if you had money.
Usted/él/ella saldría Ella saldría con un chico guapo si pudiera. She would go out with a handsome guy if she could.
Nosotros saldríamos Nosotros saldríamos a caminar todos los días, pero nos da pereza. We would go out for a walk every day, but we are lazy.
Vosotros saldríais Vosotros saldríais tarde de clase si estuvieras en la universidad. You would get out of class late if you were in college.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas saldrían Ellas saldrían en una película si fueran actrices. They would be in a movie if they were actresses.

Present Subjunctive

The present subjunctive uses the same root as the first person indicative conjugation, salg-.

Que yo salga Mi jefe quiere que yo salga para el trabajo temprano. My boss wants me to leave for work early.
Que tú salgas Tu madre espera que tú salgas a cenar con tu amiga. Your mother hopes that you go to dinner with your friend.
Que usted/él/ella salga Érica recomienda que ella salga con un chico guapo. Erica recommends that she go out with a handsome guy.
Que nosotros salgamos El entrenador espera que nosotros salgamos a caminar todos los días. The coach hopes that we go out for a walk every day.
Que vosotros salgáis La maestra no quiere que vosotros salgáis tarde de clase. The teacher doesn't want you to get out of class late.
Que ustedes/ellos/ellas salgan El director espera que ellas salgan en una película. The director hopes that they are in a movie.

Imperfect Subjunctive

The tables below show the two different options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive.

Option 1

Que yo saliera Mi jefe quería que yo saliera para el trabajo temprano. My boss wanted me to leave for work early.
Que tú salieras Tu madre esperaba que tú salieras a cenar con tu amiga. Your mother hoped that you would go to dinner with your friend.
Que usted/él/ella saliera Érica recomendaba que ella saliera con un chico guapo. Erica recommended that she go out with a handsome guy.
Que nosotros saliéramos El entrenador esperaba que nosotros saliéramos a caminar todos los días. The coach hoped that we would go out for a walk every day.
Que vosotros salierais La maestra no quería que vosotros salierais tarde de clase. The teacher didn't want you to get out of class late.
Que ustedes/ellos/ellas salieran El director esperaba que ellas salieran en una película. The director hoped that they would be in a movie.

Option 2

Que yo saliese Mi jefe quería que yo saliese para el trabajo temprano. My boss wanted me to leave for work early.
Que tú salieses Tu madre esperaba que tú salieses a cenar con tu amiga. Your mother hoped that you would go to dinner with your friend.
Que usted/él/ella saliese Érica recomendaba que ella saliese con un chico guapo. Erica recommended that she go out with a handsome guy.
Que nosotros saliésemos El entrenador esperaba que nosotros saliésemos a caminar todos los días. The coach hoped that we would go out for a walk every day.
Que vosotros salieseis La maestra no quería que vosotros salieseis tarde de clase. The teacher didn't want you to get out of class late.
Que ustedes/ellos/ellas saliesen El director esperaba que ellas saliesen en una película. The director hoped that they would be in a movie.


The imperative mood consists of affirmative and negative commands.

Positive Commands

sal ¡Sal a cenar con tu amiga! Go out to eat with your friend!
Usted salga ¡Salga con un chico guapo! Go out with a handsome guy!
Nosotros salgamos ¡Salgamos a caminar todos los días! Let's go out for a walk every day!
Vosotros salid ¡Salid tarde de clase! Get out of class late!
Ustedes salgan ¡Salgan en una película! Be in a movie!

Negative Commands

no salgas ¡No salgas a cenar con tu amiga! Don't go out to eat with your friend!
Usted no salga ¡No salga con un chico guapo! Don't go out with a handsome guy!
Nosotros no salgamos ¡No salgamos a caminar todos los días! Let's not go out for a walk every day!
Vosotros no salgáis ¡No salgáis tarde de clase! Don't get out of class late!
Ustedes no salgan ¡No salgan en una película! Don't be in a movie!
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Your Citation
Meiners, Jocelly. "Spanish Verb Salir Conjugation, Translation, and Examples." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Meiners, Jocelly. (2023, April 5). Spanish Verb Salir Conjugation, Translation, and Examples. Retrieved from Meiners, Jocelly. "Spanish Verb Salir Conjugation, Translation, and Examples." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 18, 2024).