Spanish Verb Dar Conjugation

Conjugation, Usage, and Examples

Bless this food and our family
La familia da gracias por la comida. (The family gives thanks for the food). laflor / Getty Images

The Spanish verb dar is a common verb that usually is translated as to give. Dar is an irregular verb, which means that it does not follow a regular pattern as other -ar verbs.

In this article you can find tables with the conjugations of the verb dar in several different moods and tenses: the indicative mood (present, past, and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), and the imperative mood. You can also find other verb forms such as the gerund and the past participle.

Using the Verb Dar

The verb dar usually means to give. It can be used in the same contexts when you would say to give in English. For example, Ella da clases de inglés (She gives English lessons), or Yo doy gracias por la comida (I give thanks for the food).

Another meaning of dar is to throw or give a party, as in Nosotros dimos una fiesta por su aniversario (We threw a party for their anniversary). Dar can also mean to produce, as in Ese árbol da muchas frutas (That tree produces lots of fruit). In addition, it can mean to hold someone's hand, as in Dame la mano (Hold my hand).

Something to note about this verb is that when talking about giving something to someone, you will need to use an indirect object pronoun (me, te, le, nos, os, les), and you'll have to be careful with the placement of that pronoun. Pronouns are usually placed before the conjugated verb, but sometimes (in gerunds and commands) they can be attached at the end of the word.

Finally, a common expression using the verb dar is darse cuenta, which means to realize. For example, Ana se dio cuenta de que era muy tarde (Ana realized that it was too late).

Dar Present Indicative

Notice that the first person singular (yo) present tense conjugation ends in -oy, similar to other irregular verbs like ser, estar, and ir.

Yo doy Yo doy gracias por la comida. I give thanks for the food.
das Tú das dinero a la iglesia. You give money to the church.
Usted/él/ella da Ella le da un abrazo a su mamá. She gives her mom a hug.
Nosotros damos Nosotros nos damos besos. We give each other kisses.
Vosotros dais Vosotros me dais las llaves de la casa. You give me the keys to the house.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas dan Ellos le dan la tarea al profesor. They give the homework to the professor.

Dar Preterite Indicative

The preterite tense is used to talk about completed actions that took place in the past.

Yo di Yo di gracias por la comida. I gave thanks for the food.
diste Tú diste dinero a la iglesia. You gave money to the church.
Usted/él/ella dio Ella le dio un abrazo a su mamá. She gave her mom a hug.
Nosotros dimos Nosotros nos dimos besos. We gave each other kisses.
Vosotros disteis Vosotros me disteis las llaves de la casa. You gave me the keys to the house.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas dieron Ellos le dieron la tarea al profesor. They gave the homework to the professor.

Dar Imperfect Indicative

The imperfect tense is used to talk about ongoing or repeated actions that took place in the past. The imperfect can be translated to English as "was giving" or "used to give."

Yo daba Yo daba gracias por la comida. I used to give thanks for the food.
dabas Tú dabas dinero a la iglesia. You used to give money to the church.
Usted/él/ella daba Ella le daba un abrazo a su mamá. She used to give her mom a hug.
Nosotros dábamos Nosotros nos dábamos besos. We used to give each other kisses.
Vosotros dabais Vosotros me dabais las llaves de la casa. You used to give me the keys to the house.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas daban Ellos le daban la tarea al profesor. They used to give the homework to the professor.

Dar Future Indicative

Yo daré Yo daré gracias por la comida. I will give thanks for the food.
darás Tú darás dinero a la iglesia. You will give money to the church.
Usted/él/ella dará Ella le dará un abrazo a su mamá. She will give her mom a hug.
Nosotros daremos Nosotros nos daremos besos. We will give each other kisses.
Vosotros daréis Vosotros me daréis las llaves de la casa. You will give me the keys to the house.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas darán Ellos le darán la tarea al profesor. They will give the homework to the professor.

Dar Periphrastic Future Indicative 

The periphrastic future is formed with the verb ir (to go), plus the preposition a, and the infinitive dar. It is usually translated to English as "going to give."

Yo voy a dar Yo voy a dar gracias por la comida. I am going to give thanks for the food.
vas a dar Tú vas a dar dinero a la iglesia. You are going to give money to the church.
Usted/él/ella va a dar Ella le va a dar un abrazo a su mamá. She is going to give her mom a hug.
Nosotros vamos a dar Nosotros nos vamos a dar besos. We are going to give each other kisses.
Vosotros vais a dar Vosotros me vais a dar las llaves de la casa. You are going to give me the keys to the house.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a dar Ellos le van a dar la tarea al profesor. They are going to give the homework to the professor.

Dar Present Progressive/Gerund Form

The gerund or present participle for -ar verbs ends in -ando. This verb form can be used to form progressive tenses like the present progressive, usually with verb estar. Notice that the object pronoun can either be placed before the conjugated form, or it can be attached to the end of the gerund.

Present Progressive of Dando está dando Ella le está dando un abrazo a su mamá. / Ella está dándole un abrazo a su mamá. She is giving her mom a hug.

Dar Past Participle

The past participle for -ar verbs ends in -ado. This verb form can be used to form perfect tenses like the present perfect, using the auxiliary verb haber.

Present Perfect of Dar ha dado Ella le ha dado un abrazo a su mamá. She has given her mom a hug.

Dar Conditional Indicative

The conditional tense can be used to talk about things you "would do" in Spanish.

Yo daría Yo daría gracias por la comida si fuera más agradecida. I would give thanks for the food if I were more thankful.
darías Tú darías dinero a la iglesia si tuvieras un mejor sueldo. You would give money to the church if you had a better salary.
Usted/él/ella daría Ella le daría un abrazo a su mamá si pudiera. She would give her mom a hug if she could.
Nosotros daríamos Nosotros nos daríamos besos, pero estamos muy lejos. We would give each other kisses, but we are too far away.
Vosotros daríais Vosotros me daríais las llaves de la casa si confiarais en mí. You would give me the keys to the house if you trusted me.
Ustedes/ellos/ellas darían Ellos le darían la tarea al profesor si la hubieran hecho. They would give the homework to the professor if they had done it.

Dar Present Subjunctive

Notice that the present subjunctive verb carries an accent mark in order to distinguish it from the preposition de.

Que yo Mi abuela sugiere que yo dé gracias por la comida. My grandmother suggests that I give thanks for the food.
Que tú des El padre pide que tú des dinero a la iglesia. The priest asks that you give money to the church.
Que usted/él/ella El papá sugiere que ella le dé un abrazo a su mamá. The father suggests that she give her mom a hug.
Que nosotros demos Carlos espera que nosotros nos demos besos. Carlos hopes that we give each other kisses.
Que vosotros deis Ana quiere que vosotros me deis las llaves de la casa. Ana wants you to give me the keys to the house.
Que ustedes/ellos/ellas den Su compañero pide que ellos le den la tarea al profesor. Their classmate asks that they give the homework to the professor.

Dar Imperfect Subjunctive

The imperfect subjunctive has two possible conjugations:

Option 1

Que yo diera Mi abuela sugirió que yo diera gracias por la comida. My grandmother suggested that I give thanks for the food.
Que tú dieras El padre pidió que tú dieras dinero a la iglesia. The priest asked that you give money to the church.
Que usted/él/ella diera El papá sugirió que ella le diera un abrazo a su mamá. The father suggested that she give her mom a hug.
Que nosotros diéramos Carlos esperaba que nosotros nos diéramos besos. Carlos hoped that we give each other kisses.
Que vosotros dierais Ana quería que vosotros me dierais las llaves de la casa. Ana wanted you to give me the keys to the house.
Que ustedes/ellos/ellas dieran Su compañero pidió que ellos le dieran la tarea al profesor. Their classmate asked that they give the homework to the professor.

Option 2

Que yo diese Mi abuela sugirió que yo diese gracias por la comida. My grandmother suggested that I give thanks for the food.
Que tú dieses El padre pidió que tú dieses dinero a la iglesia. The priest asked that you give money to the church.
Que usted/él/ella diese El papá sugirió que ella le diese un abrazo a su mamá. The father suggested that she give her mom a hug.
Que nosotros diésemos Carlos esperaba que nosotros nos diésemos besos. Carlos hoped that we give each other kisses.
Que vosotros dieseis Ana quería que vosotros me dieseis las llaves de la casa. Ana wanted you to give me the keys to the house.
Que ustedes/ellos/ellas diesen Su compañero pidió que ellos le diesen la tarea al profesor. Their classmate asked that they give the homework to the professor.

Dar Imperative

The imperative mood is used to order or command someone to do something. Here you can find both the positive and negative forms. Notice that in positive commands, the object pronouns are attached to the end of the verb, while in negative commands the pronouns are placed before the verb.

Positive Commands

da ¡Da dinero a la iglesia! Give money to the church!
Usted ¡Dele un abrazo a su mamá! Give your mom a hug!
Nosotros demos ¡Démonos besos! Let's give each other kisses!
Vosotros dad ¡Dadme las llaves de la casa! Give me the keys to the house!
Ustedes den ¡Denle la tarea al profesor! Give the homework to the professor!

Negative Commands

no des ¡No des dinero a la iglesia! Don't give money to the church!
Usted no dé ¡No le dé un abrazo a su mamá! Don't give your mom a hug!
Nosotros no demos ¡No nos demos besos! Let's not give each other kisses!
Vosotros no deis ¡No me deis las llaves de la casa! Don't give me the keys to the house!
Ustedes no den ¡No le den la tarea al profesor! Don't give the homework to the professor!
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Your Citation
Meiners, Jocelly. "Spanish Verb Dar Conjugation." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Meiners, Jocelly. (2023, April 5). Spanish Verb Dar Conjugation. Retrieved from Meiners, Jocelly. "Spanish Verb Dar Conjugation." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 23, 2024).