How To Conjugate ‘Conducir’ and Other Spanish Verbs Ending in ‘-ducir’

Preterite and subjunctive forms are highly irregular

conducir auto
Creo que conduzco bien. (I believe I drive well.).

Bianca Ene / Creative Commons.

Conducir, a Spanish verb that means to drive and also has meanings related to conduct of persons and things, and other verbs ending in -ducir are highly irregular. The most common of those other verbs are introducir, producir (to produce), deducir (to deduce or deduct), inducir (to cause or lead to), reducir (to reduce), reproducir (to reproduce), seducir (to entice), and traducir (to translate).

The verbs ending in -ducir (or "-duce" in English) all come from the Latin verb ducere, which meant to bring or to lead.

Their conjugation is shown below with conducir as an example. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context.

Infinitive of Conducir

conducir (to drive)

Gerund of Conducir

conduciendo (driving)

Participle of Conducir

conducido (driven)

Present Indicative of Conducir

yo conduzco, tú conduces, usted/él/ella conduce, nosotros/as conducimos, vosotros/as conducís, ustedes/ellos/ellas conducen (I drive, you drive, he drives, etc.)

Preterite of Conducir

yo conduje, tú condujiste, usted/él/ella condujo, nosotros/as condujimos, vosotros/as condujisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas condujeron (I drove, you drove, she drove, etc.)

Imperfect Indicative of Conducir

yo conducía, tú conducías, usted/él/ella conducía, nosotros/as conducíamos, vosotros/as conducíais, ustedes/ellos/ellas conducían (I used to drive, you used to drive, he used to drive, etc.)

Future Indicative of Conducir

yo conduciré, tú conducirás, usted/él/ella conducirá, nosotros/as conduciremos, vosotros/as conduciréis, ustedes/ellos/ellas conducirán (I will drive, you will drive, he will drive, etc.)

Conditional of Conducir

yo conduciría, tú conducirías, usted/él/ella conduciría, nosotros/as conduciríamos, vosotros/as conduciríais, ustedes/ellos/ellas conducirían (I would drive, you would drive, she would drive, etc.)

Present Subjunctive of Conducir

que yo conduzca, que tú conduzcas, que usted/él/ella conduzca, que nosotros/as conduzcamos, que vosotros/as conduzcáis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas conduzcan (that I drive, that you drive, that she drive, etc.)

Imperfect Subjunctive of Conducir

que yo condujera (condujese), que tú condujeras (condujeses), que usted/él/ella condujera (condujese), que nosotros/as condujéramos (condujésemos), que vosotros/as condujerais (condujeseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas condujeran (condujesen) (that I drove, that you drove, that he drove, etc.)

Imperative of Conducir

conduce (tú), no conduzcas (tú), conduzca (usted), conduzcamos (nosotros/as), conducid (vosotros/as), no conduzcáis (vosotros/as), conduzcan (ustedes drive, don't drive, drive, let's drive, etc.)

Compound Tenses of Conducir

The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, conducido. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, conduciendo.

Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Verbs Ending in -ducir

No quiero conducir porque hay demasiados locos al volante estos días. (I don't want to drive because there are so many crazy people at the wheel these days. Infinitive.)

Perú es el único país latinoamericano que ha introducido una ley de divorcio rápido. (Peru is the only Latin American country that has introduced a law providing for quick divorce. Present perfect.)

Los británicos, al comienzo de la guerra, estaban escandalizados por la violencia que se estaba produciendo en la España republicana. The British, at the beginning of the war, were scandalized by the violence that was occurring in Republican Spain. Gerund.)

Existen más de mil laboratorios que producen estas sustancias en China hoy en día. (There are more than 1,000 laboratories that produce these substances in China these days. Present indicative.)

Tradujeron el libro al francés y lo distribuyeron en Ginebra en 1882. (They translated the book to French and distributed it in Geneva in 1882. Preterite.)

La serpiente que tentó a Adán y a Eva los indujo a comer la fruta prohibida. (The serpent who tempted Adam and Eve led them to eat the prohibited fruit. Preterite.)

La corrupción reducía la inversión y el crecimiento económico. (The corruption diminished investment and economic growth. Imperfect.)

Al último nos reproduciremos por clonación. (Ultimately we will reproduce by cloning. Future.)

A mí mismo me seduciría si no fuera quien soy. (Even I myself would be tempted if I weren't who I am. Conditional.)

Le dio 10 días calendario para que produzca los documentos requeridos. (She gave him 10 calendar days to produce the required documents. Present subjunctive.)

Los impuestos que deduzcas no califican para una bonificación. (The taxes that you deduct do not qualify for a bonus. Present subjunctive.)

Un profesor de lengua árabe pidió a sus alumnos que tradujeran el libro. (An Arabic-language teacher asked his students to translate the book. Imperfect subjunctive.)

No conduzcas sin cinturón. (Don't drive without wearing a seatbelt. Imperative.)

Key Takeaways

  • The Spanish verb conducir and other verbs with the same ending such as reproducir and traducir are irregular in most of their forms.
  • The c in the stem of such verbs often changes to zc or j. The stressed verb of the stem always is regular.
  • Regular forms of such verbs include the indicative future, conditional, and imperfect.
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Your Citation
Erichsen, Gerald. "How To Conjugate ‘Conducir’ and Other Spanish Verbs Ending in ‘-ducir’." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Erichsen, Gerald. (2023, April 5). How To Conjugate ‘Conducir’ and Other Spanish Verbs Ending in ‘-ducir’. Retrieved from Erichsen, Gerald. "How To Conjugate ‘Conducir’ and Other Spanish Verbs Ending in ‘-ducir’." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 25, 2024).