How Well Could You Speak Spanish as a Tourist?

Test Your Knowledge With This Quiz

Puerto Vallarta hotel
Hotel de Puerto Vallarta, México. Manuel Canela/Creative Commlons
1. Since the word for bread is "pan," which word would you be right in assuming refers to a bakery?
2. If you want to say that something is very inexpensive, one way of doing it would be to say:
3. If you wish to introduce yourself to somebody and your name is Chris, one way of doing so would be to say:
4. If you would like to leave a note for the manager of your hotel, a good salutation to use before your name would be:
5. What is the Spanish number for 10?
6. If you want your luggage, what is a word or phrase you might look for on a sign?
7. What is one way of asking how much something costs?
8. If a road sign says that the speed limit is 100 km/h, approximately what is that in miles per hour?
9. How do you say, "I don't speak Spanish?"
10. Which of these sentences might get you some help finding downtown?
11. Which meal is "el desayuno"?
12. What is the Spanish word for "hotel"?
13. What is the Spanish word to describe one-hundredth of a unit of currency (such as "cent" in U.S. English)?
14. If you wish to thank someone, which is a word or phrase you might use?
15. How do you say "hello" in Spanish?
16. Which word should you be careful about using because you might inadvertently say something embarrassing?
18. If the weather forecasts predicts "lluvia," what can you expect?
19. How can you ask what time it is?
20. What is the Spanish word for "beach"?
How Well Could You Speak Spanish as a Tourist?
You got: % Correct. You'll Do Great!
I got You'll Do Great!. How Well Could You Speak Spanish as a Tourist?
Un mercado en Asunción, Paraguay. (A meriket in Asuncion, Paraguay.). Leandro Neumann Ciuffo/Creative Commons.

You don't have to be fluent to get around well, so you'll do just fine with what you already know. ¡Buen viaje!

How Well Could You Speak Spanish as a Tourist?
You got: % Correct. You'll Have a Great Time!
I got You'll Have a Great Time!. How Well Could You Speak Spanish as a Tourist?
Vista desde Argentina de las cataratas del Iguasú. (View from Argentina of Iguazu Falls.). MIke/Creative Commons.

You know enough of the basics of Spanish to be polite, and that's more than can be said of many English speakers. If you struggle, just be sure to smile, and you'll have a great time. ¡Buen viaje!

How Well Could You Speak Spanish as a Tourist?
You got: % Correct. It's Time To Study!
I got It's Time To Study!. How Well Could You Speak Spanish as a Tourist?
Estudia hoy. (She is studying today.). Universidad de Montevideo/Creative Commons.

Yes, you can get by in the most popular tourist areas without knowing a lick of Spanish. But wouldn't it more fun if you could learn some more before you go?